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Everything you ever wanted to know about the Republic, from its beginning to where it is now and how to fix it.
Join now and help us restore the Republic(s)
In a Republic(s), the people are in charge and the government employees are . . . . . well . . . . . servants who work for us.
Somehow during history, the relationship got reversed.
About Us
Our History: How it was intended
How it got changed
How we fix it.
Legal Issues: The Constitution
The cases
The paperwork
Smart Meters: The way they were installed
The problems being caused
The permanent fix
Other Issues: Cell phones and microwaves
Cell towers and Wi-Fi
Dirty electricity
Resources: Site map
Other related sites
P.O. Box 510104, Livonia, Michigan 48151
One if by land, Two if by sea, And I, on the opposite shore shall be
Ready to ride and sound the alarm Through every Middlesex village and farm.