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One If By Land

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   One If By Land
The web site started in 2014, but John, Ron, and Bruce began to worry about the Republic long before.  When the Smart Meter issue arose in 2008, they decided to take action and so they began to offer a pathway of resistance.  They began to offer locks to prevent installation.

To date, they have installed nearly 1,000 locks and have definitely gotten the attention of DTE.  They have tested the "de jure" documentation in a few court actions and are ready to proceed with larger issues.

And larger issues are all around us.  Immediately after the Constitution was adopted, politicians began looking for ways to change it or go beyond it.  The way the system works is this:  If something is done that the Constitution does not allow and it is contested, the Constitution wins.  If the action is not contested, the improper action is allowed to continue until it is contested.

And so here we are, 200+ years later with an overblown bureaucracy, overblown debt, taxes and other things that should have been dealt with long ago, but were not.

If this issue is not corrected soon, we will lose the America that we love. We are determined not to let that happen, but we need your help.

Educate yourself.  ​Read the material on this site, visit the related sites.
Let us know who you are and sign on to help.  Let your children know what you are doing and get them to help too.  After we get the Republic back in shape we do not want the next generation to throw it away.

OK!  Sign Me Up!
Together, we must discover or develop pathways of resistance for every issue.